Centennial Conference
Conference-Only Statistics
Leaders Summary
Centennial Conference
Leaders Summary as of May 16, 2005
( games only)
McDaniel............ 16 .320 475 88 152 21 0 8 50 64 24-27
Gettysburg.......... 16 .313 399 88 125 23 4 2 28 28 5-7
Dickinson........... 16 .279 441 60 123 19 2 2 28 49 10-13
Washington.......... 16 .270 441 65 119 18 0 4 46 63 3-4
Ursinus............. 16 .262 435 84 114 18 4 0 40 42 8-8
Muhlenberg.......... 16 .251 459 43 115 26 0 0 21 46 4-6
Haverford........... 16 .248 459 52 114 20 2 1 23 68 12-14
Swarthmore.......... 16 .219 366 33 80 10 2 1 31 47 13-15
Franklin & Marshall. 16 .211 422 39 89 18 2 5 27 73 28-37
Ursinus............. 16 0.95 13 3 1 111.0 74 20 15 13 73
McDaniel............ 16 1.43 13 3 0 112.1 93 49 23 33 63
Gettysburg.......... 16 1.65 13 3 0 102.0 88 35 24 16 49
Washington.......... 16 1.87 7 9 0 108.1 106 55 29 36 50
Muhlenberg.......... 16 2.03 6 10 0 113.2 109 47 33 32 54
Haverford........... 16 2.78 6 10 1 113.1 124 66 45 30 52
Dickinson........... 16 3.23 6 10 1 108.1 131 86 50 52 46
Franklin & Marshall. 16 3.97 4 12 1 109.1 152 89 62 40 52
Swarthmore.......... 16 5.47 4 12 0 97.1 146 105 76 42 41
Muhlenberg.......... 16 341 166 20 .962 8 5 9-10
Ursinus............. 16 333 91 17 .961 0 1 8-10
Washington.......... 16 325 140 28 .943 2 13 6-8
Haverford........... 16 340 159 35 .934 3 12 14-16
Gettysburg.......... 16 306 119 33 .928 0 2 4-5
McDaniel............ 16 337 162 39 .928 7 2 14-17
Dickinson........... 16 325 164 40 .924 5 10 15-20
Swarthmore.......... 16 292 133 38 .918 6 13 15-20
Franklin & Marshall. 16 328 131 42 .916 2 8 11-14
Min 2.0 AB/Team game G Avg AB R H RBI 2B 3B HR BB
M Gale GC................. 16 .457 46 9 21 16 4 2 0 6
C. Burns MCD.............. 13 .429 42 12 18 17 1 0 6 5
J Pareso GC............... 16 .404 52 21 21 7 4 1 0 4
S Nagle HAV............... 16 .386 57 11 22 5 2 1 0 0
D. Rosemier MCD........... 16 .386 57 15 22 4 4 0 0 7
A Campbell WAC............ 16 .383 47 9 18 12 2 0 2 6
J Korth DC................ 16 .380 50 5 19 11 5 0 1 4
C Shainheit DC............ 16 .378 37 5 14 2 0 0 0 0
K. Curley MCD............. 15 .375 48 8 18 7 4 0 0 3
L Sullivan HAV............ 16 .375 48 6 18 10 4 0 1 6
Min 1.0 IP/Team game App ERA W-L Sv IP H R ER BB SO
M. Greene UC.............. 9 0.52 8-0 1 53.2 33 5 4 6 48
E. Skinner UC............. 7 0.76 3-2 0 37.0 24 5 4 4 21
S Kiry GC................. 9 0.99 7-1 0 49.2 36 12 7 9 24
N. Moeller MCD............ 8 1.40 5-1 0 55.0 48 31 11 19 28
M. Abrams MCD............. 10 1.47 8-2 0 57.1 45 18 12 14 35
M Laque WAC............... 8 1.54 3-4 0 54.2 50 27 12 12 31
A Ogden MUHL.............. 6 1.89 1-4 0 29.2 36 13 8 14 8
K Vecchione MUHL.......... 4 1.98 2-0 0 17.2 18 8 5 2 12
N Washburn MUHL........... 6 2.00 3-3 0 42.0 32 14 12 8 24
J Pareso GC............... 7 2.01 6-1 0 38.1 36 16 11 4 20
S Nagle HAV............... 22
D. Rosemier MCD........... 22
J Pareso GC............... 21
M Gale GC................. 21
2 tied with 19 hit(s)
J Pareso GC............... 21
D. Rosemier MCD........... 15
R Fleming DC.............. 15
M. Logan UC............... 15
2 tied with 12 run(s) scored
C. Burns MCD.............. 17
M Gale GC................. 16
M. Abrams MCD............. 14
S. Hennessey UC........... 13
A Campbell WAC............ 12
L. DePalma FM............. 6
T DeMarzo MUHL............ 5
E. Knise UC............... 5
J Korth DC................ 5
T Roth MUHL............... 5
M Gale GC................. 2
G. Salvi UC............... 2
L. DePalma FM............. 2
10 tied with 1 triple(s)
C. Burns MCD.............. 6
M. Baker FM............... 3
4 tied with 2 home run(s)
C. Burns MCD.............. 37
L. DePalma FM............. 34
M Gale GC................. 29
J Korth DC................ 27
J Pareso GC............... 27
D. Rosemier MCD........... 11-13
D. Johns FM............... 10-13
S Nagle HAV............... 8-9
L. DePalma FM............. 7-9
K. Gold SWAT.............. 6-6
M. Greene UC.............. 53.2 48
M. Abrams MCD............. 57.1 35
M Laque WAC............... 54.2 31
L Porter DC............... 59.0 29
N. Moeller MCD............ 55.0 28
Conference statistics
Centennial Conference
Conference statistics (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only Sorted by Batting avg)
McDaniel.... .320 16 475 88 152 21 0 8 74 197 .415 50 4 64 0 .387 3 10 24-27 337 162 39 .928
Gettysburg.. .313 16 399 88 125 23 4 2 70 162 .406 28 8 28 0 .367 4 35 5-7 306 119 33 .928
Dickinson... .279 16 441 60 123 19 2 2 51 152 .345 28 8 49 0 .332 2 22 10-13 325 164 40 .924
Washington.. .270 16 441 65 119 18 0 4 56 149 .338 46 2 63 1 .341 1 13 3-4 325 140 28 .943
Ursinus..... .262 16 435 84 114 18 4 0 70 140 .322 40 7 42 0 .331 5 23 8-8 333 91 17 .961
Muhlenberg.. .251 16 459 43 115 26 0 0 41 141 .307 21 1 46 0 .284 2 16 4-6 341 166 20 .962
Haverford... .248 16 459 52 114 20 2 1 41 141 .307 23 1 68 1 .285 2 10 12-14 340 159 35 .934
Swarthmore.. .219 16 366 33 80 10 2 1 28 97 .265 31 6 47 2 .288 3 20 13-15 292 133 38 .918
F&M......... .211 16 422 39 89 18 2 5 31 126 .299 27 9 73 1 .272 1 14 28-37 328 131 42 .916
( games only Sorted by Earned run avg)
Ursinus..... 0.95 13-3 16 12 9/2 1 111.0 74 20 15 13 73 11 0 1 403 .184 0 3 0 1 13
McDaniel.... 1.43 13-3 16 14 3/0 0 112.1 93 49 23 33 63 18 2 2 427 .218 5 7 0 3 21
Gettysburg.. 1.65 13-3 16 11 6/2 0 102.0 88 35 24 16 49 20 1 1 406 .217 1 7 0 2 6
Washington.. 1.87 7-9 16 15 2/0 0 108.1 106 55 29 36 50 19 1 2 430 .247 4 3 1 2 17
Muhlenberg.. 2.03 6-10 16 12 2/0 0 113.2 109 47 33 32 54 10 3 3 428 .255 5 1 0 2 19
Haverford... 2.78 6-10 16 9 1/0 1 113.1 124 66 45 30 52 18 3 2 451 .275 2 5 1 4 24
Dickinson... 3.23 6-10 16 15 1/0 1 108.1 131 86 50 52 46 25 2 1 450 .291 10 4 0 1 18
F&M......... 3.97 4-12 16 4 0/0 1 109.1 152 89 62 40 52 29 2 8 475 .320 3 8 0 5 20
Swarthmore.. 5.47 4-12 16 9 1/0 0 97.1 146 105 76 42 41 21 3 3 436 .335 12 8 0 3 16
( games only Sorted by Fielding pct)
Muhlenberg.. 527 341 166 20 .962 8 9 1 .900 5 0
Ursinus..... 441 333 91 17 .961 0 8 2 .800 1 0
Washington.. 493 325 140 28 .943 2 6 2 .750 13 0
Haverford... 534 340 159 35 .934 3 14 2 .875 12 0
Gettysburg.. 458 306 119 33 .928 0 4 1 .800 2 0
McDaniel.... 538 337 162 39 .928 7 14 3 .824 2 0
Dickinson... 529 325 164 40 .924 5 15 5 .750 10 0
Swarthmore.. 463 292 133 38 .918 6 15 5 .750 13 1
F&M......... 501 328 131 42 .916 2 11 3 .786 8 0
Category Leaders
Centennial Conference
Batting Leaders (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 67% of Games 2.0 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Batting avg
1. McDaniel.... .320
2. Gettysburg.. .313
3. Dickinson... .279
4. Washington.. .270
5. Ursinus..... .262
6. Muhlenberg.. .251
7. Haverford... .248
8. Swarthmore.. .219
9. F&M......... .211
Slugging pct
1. McDaniel.... .415
2. Gettysburg.. .406
3. Dickinson... .345
4. Washington.. .338
5. Ursinus..... .322
6. Muhlenberg.. .307
Haverford... .307
8. F&M......... .299
9. Swarthmore.. .265
On base pct
1. McDaniel.... .387
2. Gettysburg.. .367
3. Washington.. .341
4. Dickinson... .332
5. Ursinus..... .331
6. Swarthmore.. .288
7. Haverford... .285
8. Muhlenberg.. .284
9. F&M......... .272
Runs scored
1. McDaniel.... 88
Gettysburg.. 88
3. Ursinus..... 84
4. Washington.. 65
5. Dickinson... 60
6. Haverford... 52
7. Muhlenberg.. 43
8. F&M......... 39
9. Swarthmore.. 33
1. McDaniel.... 152
2. Gettysburg.. 125
3. Dickinson... 123
4. Washington.. 119
5. Muhlenberg.. 115
6. Haverford... 114
Ursinus..... 114
8. F&M......... 89
9. Swarthmore.. 80
Runs batted in
1. McDaniel.... 74
2. Gettysburg.. 70
Ursinus..... 70
4. Washington.. 56
5. Dickinson... 51
6. Haverford... 41
Muhlenberg.. 41
8. F&M......... 31
9. Swarthmore.. 28
1. Muhlenberg.. 26
2. Gettysburg.. 23
3. McDaniel.... 21
4. Haverford... 20
5. Dickinson... 19
6. Washington.. 18
Ursinus..... 18
F&M......... 18
9. Swarthmore.. 10
1. Ursinus..... 4
Gettysburg.. 4
3. Haverford... 2
Dickinson... 2
F&M......... 2
Swarthmore.. 2
Home runs
1. McDaniel.... 8
2. F&M......... 5
3. Washington.. 4
4. Dickinson... 2
Gettysburg.. 2
6. Swarthmore.. 1
Haverford... 1
Total bases
1. McDaniel.... 197
2. Gettysburg.. 162
3. Dickinson... 152
4. Washington.. 149
5. Muhlenberg.. 141
Haverford... 141
7. Ursinus..... 140
8. F&M......... 126
9. Swarthmore.. 97
Total plate appearances
1. McDaniel.... 542
2. Ursinus..... 510
3. Washington.. 504
4. Dickinson... 501
5. Muhlenberg.. 499
6. Haverford... 495
7. Gettysburg.. 474
8. F&M......... 473
9. Swarthmore.. 426
At bats
1. McDaniel.... 475
2. Haverford... 459
Muhlenberg.. 459
4. Dickinson... 441
Washington.. 441
6. Ursinus..... 435
7. F&M......... 422
8. Gettysburg.. 399
9. Swarthmore.. 366
1. McDaniel.... 50
2. Washington.. 46
3. Ursinus..... 40
4. Swarthmore.. 31
5. Dickinson... 28
Gettysburg.. 28
7. F&M......... 27
8. Haverford... 23
9. Muhlenberg.. 21
Hit by pitch
1. F&M......... 9
2. Dickinson... 8
Gettysburg.. 8
4. Ursinus..... 7
5. Swarthmore.. 6
6. McDaniel.... 4
7. Washington.. 2
8. Haverford... 1
Muhlenberg.. 1
1. F&M......... 73
2. Haverford... 68
3. McDaniel.... 64
4. Washington.. 63
5. Dickinson... 49
6. Swarthmore.. 47
7. Muhlenberg.. 46
8. Ursinus..... 42
9. Gettysburg.. 28
Sac bunts
1. Gettysburg.. 35
2. Ursinus..... 23
3. Dickinson... 22
4. Swarthmore.. 20
5. Muhlenberg.. 16
6. F&M......... 14
7. Washington.. 13
8. McDaniel.... 10
Haverford... 10
Sac flies
1. Ursinus..... 5
2. Gettysburg.. 4
3. Swarthmore.. 3
McDaniel.... 3
5. Haverford... 2
Dickinson... 2
Muhlenberg.. 2
8. Washington.. 1
F&M......... 1
Stolen bases
1. F&M......... 28
2. McDaniel.... 24
3. Swarthmore.. 13
4. Haverford... 12
5. Dickinson... 10
6. Ursinus..... 8
7. Gettysburg.. 5
8. Muhlenberg.. 4
9. Washington.. 3
Caught stealing
1. F&M......... 9
2. McDaniel.... 3
Dickinson... 3
4. Haverford... 2
Swarthmore.. 2
Muhlenberg.. 2
Gettysburg.. 2
8. Washington.. 1
Steal attempts
1. F&M......... 37
2. McDaniel.... 27
3. Swarthmore.. 15
4. Haverford... 14
5. Dickinson... 13
6. Ursinus..... 8
7. Gettysburg.. 7
8. Muhlenberg.. 6
9. Washington.. 4
Grounded into DP
1. Swarthmore.. 2
2. Washington.. 1
Haverford... 1
F&M......... 1
Centennial Conference
Pitching Leaders (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 67% of Games 2.0 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Earned run avg
1. Ursinus..... 0.95
2. McDaniel.... 1.43
3. Gettysburg.. 1.65
4. Washington.. 1.87
5. Muhlenberg.. 2.03
6. Haverford... 2.78
7. Dickinson... 3.23
8. F&M......... 3.97
9. Swarthmore.. 5.47
Opposing bat avg
1. Ursinus..... .184
2. Gettysburg.. .217
3. McDaniel.... .218
4. Washington.. .247
5. Muhlenberg.. .255
6. Haverford... .275
7. Dickinson... .291
8. F&M......... .320
9. Swarthmore.. .335
Innings pitched
1. Muhlenberg.. 113.2
2. Haverford... 113.1
3. McDaniel.... 112.1
4. Ursinus..... 111.0
5. F&M......... 109.1
6. Dickinson... 108.1
Washington.. 108.1
8. Gettysburg.. 102.0
9. Swarthmore.. 97.1
Batters struck out
1. Ursinus..... 73
2. McDaniel.... 63
3. Muhlenberg.. 54
4. Haverford... 52
F&M......... 52
6. Washington.. 50
7. Gettysburg.. 49
8. Dickinson... 46
9. Swarthmore.. 41
Batters SO out looking
1. Dickinson... 23
2. Gettysburg.. 21
Ursinus..... 21
4. Muhlenberg.. 16
5. Haverford... 15
6. Washington.. 13
McDaniel.... 13
F&M......... 13
9. Swarthmore.. 9
1. McDaniel.... 13
Gettysburg.. 13
Ursinus..... 13
4. Washington.. 7
5. Haverford... 6
Muhlenberg.. 6
Dickinson... 6
8. F&M......... 4
Swarthmore.. 4
1. Swarthmore.. 12
F&M......... 12
3. Muhlenberg.. 10
Dickinson... 10
Haverford... 10
6. Washington.. 9
7. Ursinus..... 3
McDaniel.... 3
Gettysburg.. 3
1. Haverford... 1
Dickinson... 1
Ursinus..... 1
F&M......... 1
Runners picked off
1. Swarthmore.. 1
Muhlenberg.. 1
Sac bunts allowed
1. Haverford... 24
2. McDaniel.... 21
3. F&M......... 20
4. Muhlenberg.. 19
5. Dickinson... 18
6. Washington.. 17
7. Swarthmore.. 16
8. Ursinus..... 13
9. Gettysburg.. 6
Sac flies allowed
1. F&M......... 5
2. Haverford... 4
3. McDaniel.... 3
Swarthmore.. 3
5. Washington.. 2
Muhlenberg.. 2
Gettysburg.. 2
8. Ursinus..... 1
Dickinson... 1
Hits allowed
1. Ursinus..... 74
2. Gettysburg.. 88
3. McDaniel.... 93
4. Washington.. 106
5. Muhlenberg.. 109
6. Haverford... 124
7. Dickinson... 131
8. Swarthmore.. 146
9. F&M......... 152
Runs allowed
1. Ursinus..... 20
2. Gettysburg.. 35
3. Muhlenberg.. 47
4. McDaniel.... 49
5. Washington.. 55
6. Haverford... 66
7. Dickinson... 86
8. F&M......... 89
9. Swarthmore.. 105
Earned runs allowed
1. Ursinus..... 15
2. McDaniel.... 23
3. Gettysburg.. 24
4. Washington.. 29
5. Muhlenberg.. 33
6. Haverford... 45
7. Dickinson... 50
8. F&M......... 62
9. Swarthmore.. 76
Walks allowed
1. Ursinus..... 13
2. Gettysburg.. 16
3. Haverford... 30
4. Muhlenberg.. 32
5. McDaniel.... 33
6. Washington.. 36
7. F&M......... 40
8. Swarthmore.. 42
9. Dickinson... 52
Doubles allowed
1. Muhlenberg.. 10
2. Ursinus..... 11
3. Haverford... 18
McDaniel.... 18
5. Washington.. 19
6. Gettysburg.. 20
7. Swarthmore.. 21
8. Dickinson... 25
9. F&M......... 29
Triples allowed
1. Ursinus..... 0
2. Gettysburg.. 1
Washington.. 1
4. McDaniel.... 2
Dickinson... 2
F&M......... 2
7. Haverford... 3
Swarthmore.. 3
Muhlenberg.. 3
Home runs allowed
1. Ursinus..... 1
Gettysburg.. 1
Dickinson... 1
4. McDaniel.... 2
Washington.. 2
Haverford... 2
7. Swarthmore.. 3
Muhlenberg.. 3
9. F&M......... 8
Wild pitches
1. Swarthmore.. 12
2. Dickinson... 10
3. McDaniel.... 5
Muhlenberg.. 5
5. Washington.. 4
6. F&M......... 3
7. Haverford... 2
8. Gettysburg.. 1
1. Haverford... 1
Washington.. 1
Hit batters
1. Swarthmore.. 8
F&M......... 8
3. McDaniel.... 7
Gettysburg.. 7
5. Haverford... 5
6. Dickinson... 4
7. Ursinus..... 3
Washington.. 3
9. Muhlenberg.. 1
Intentional BB allowed
Centennial Conference
Fielding Leaders (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 67% of Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Fielding pct
1. Muhlenberg.. .962
2. Ursinus..... .961
3. Washington.. .943
4. Haverford... .934
5. Gettysburg.. .928
6. McDaniel.... .928
7. Dickinson... .924
8. Swarthmore.. .918
9. F&M......... .916
1. McDaniel.... 538
2. Haverford... 534
3. Dickinson... 529
4. Muhlenberg.. 527
5. F&M......... 501
6. Washington.. 493
7. Swarthmore.. 463
8. Gettysburg.. 458
9. Ursinus..... 441
1. Muhlenberg.. 341
2. Haverford... 340
3. McDaniel.... 337
4. Ursinus..... 333
5. F&M......... 328
6. Washington.. 325
Dickinson... 325
8. Gettysburg.. 306
9. Swarthmore.. 292
1. Muhlenberg.. 166
2. Dickinson... 164
3. McDaniel.... 162
4. Haverford... 159
5. Washington.. 140
6. Swarthmore.. 133
7. F&M......... 131
8. Gettysburg.. 119
9. Ursinus..... 91
1. F&M......... 42
2. Dickinson... 40
3. McDaniel.... 39
4. Swarthmore.. 38
5. Haverford... 35
6. Gettysburg.. 33
7. Washington.. 28
8. Muhlenberg.. 20
9. Ursinus..... 17
Fielding double plays
1. Muhlenberg.. 8
2. McDaniel.... 7
3. Swarthmore.. 6
4. Dickinson... 5
5. Haverford... 3
6. Washington.. 2
F&M......... 2
Stolen bases against
1. Dickinson... 15
Swarthmore.. 15
3. McDaniel.... 14
Haverford... 14
5. F&M......... 11
6. Muhlenberg.. 9
7. Ursinus..... 8
8. Washington.. 6
9. Gettysburg.. 4
Caught stealing by
1. Dickinson... 5
Swarthmore.. 5
3. McDaniel.... 3
F&M......... 3
5. Haverford... 2
Washington.. 2
Ursinus..... 2
8. Muhlenberg.. 1
Gettysburg.. 1
Steal attempts against
1. Swarthmore.. 20
Dickinson... 20
3. McDaniel.... 17
4. Haverford... 16
5. F&M......... 14
6. Muhlenberg.. 10
Ursinus..... 10
8. Washington.. 8
9. Gettysburg.. 5
Passed balls
1. Swarthmore.. 13
Washington.. 13
3. Haverford... 12
4. Dickinson... 10
5. F&M......... 8
6. Muhlenberg.. 5
7. Gettysburg.. 2
McDaniel.... 2
9. Ursinus..... 1
Catchers interference
1. Swarthmore.. 1
Conference statistics
Centennial Conference
Conference statistics (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only Sorted by Batting avg)
M Gale, GC................. .457 16-16 46 9 21 4 2 0 16 29 .630 6 0 2 0 .500 2 2 2-2
C. Burns, MCD.............. .429 13-13 42 12 18 1 0 6 17 37 .881 5 0 6 0 .489 0 0 0-0
J Pareso, GC............... .404 16-16 52 21 21 4 1 0 7 27 .519 4 1 2 0 .456 0 3 2-2
S Nagle, HAV............... .386 16-16 57 11 22 2 1 0 5 26 .456 0 0 6 0 .386 0 1 8-9
D. Rosemier, MCD........... .386 16-16 57 15 22 4 0 0 4 26 .456 7 0 9 0 .453 0 0 11-13
A Campbell, WAC............ .383 16-16 47 9 18 2 0 2 12 26 .553 6 0 2 0 .453 0 1 0-0
J Korth, DC................ .380 16-16 50 5 19 5 0 1 11 27 .540 4 2 6 0 .446 0 2 1-1
C Shainheit, DC............ .378 16-14 37 5 14 0 0 0 2 14 .378 0 0 10 0 .368 1 3 3-4
K. Curley, MCD............. .375 15-14 48 8 18 4 0 0 7 22 .458 3 1 3 0 .415 1 0 3-3
L Sullivan, HAV............ .375 16-16 48 6 18 4 0 1 10 25 .521 6 0 6 0 .436 1 0 0-1
M Pilarcik, GC............. .375 16-16 40 8 15 1 0 2 11 22 .550 3 3 5 0 .457 0 12 1-2
S. Hennessey, UC........... .360 16-16 50 8 18 3 0 0 13 21 .420 2 1 4 0 .382 2 0 1-1
D Green, WAC............... .348 16-16 46 7 16 4 0 1 8 23 .500 10 1 7 0 .474 0 0 0-0
L. DePalma, FM............. .346 16-16 52 9 18 6 2 2 5 34 .654 3 0 2 1 .382 0 1 7-9
K McDonald, DC............. .341 12-12 41 2 14 4 0 0 7 18 .439 2 0 2 0 .372 0 0 0-1
K Proctor, WAC............. .340 16-16 53 5 18 4 0 0 7 22 .415 4 0 4 0 .386 0 0 0-0
R Fleming, DC.............. .333 16-16 57 15 19 1 0 0 4 20 .351 3 0 4 0 .367 0 1 1-2
M Dean, GC................. .333 16-16 36 6 12 3 0 0 4 15 .417 2 2 2 0 .400 0 4 0-0
A Havassy, HAV............. .333 16-16 36 6 12 1 0 0 1 13 .361 3 0 4 0 .385 0 0 0-0
B Hartman, WAC............. .327 15-15 55 10 18 4 0 0 7 22 .400 2 0 11 0 .351 0 3 0-0
L. Schmidt, UC............. .324 16-16 37 6 12 0 0 0 5 12 .324 12 0 6 0 .480 1 2 1-1
K. Siano, SWAT............. .324 16-16 34 3 11 2 1 0 2 15 .441 5 0 3 0 .410 0 4 1-1
T Roth, MUHL............... .314 15-15 51 7 16 5 0 0 7 21 .412 1 0 6 0 .327 0 1 1-1
S. Smith, MCD.............. .310 16-16 58 12 18 3 0 0 8 21 .362 6 0 5 0 .375 0 4 3-3
V. Marone, SWAT............ .302 16-16 43 5 13 3 0 1 9 19 .442 1 0 7 1 .311 1 0 0-0
M. Mitchell, MCD........... .302 16-16 53 7 16 2 0 0 9 18 .340 4 1 2 0 .362 0 1 0-0
A Speace, DC............... .292 15-15 48 10 14 3 1 0 8 19 .396 7 0 4 0 .382 0 1 1-1
H Sagaities, GC............ .292 16-16 48 9 14 3 1 0 6 19 .396 2 1 4 0 .327 1 1 0-1
M. Logan, UC............... .286 16-16 56 15 16 4 0 0 10 20 .357 5 0 3 0 .339 1 0 0-0
K Cartolano, MUHL.......... .286 14-13 42 1 12 3 0 0 2 15 .357 1 0 2 0 .302 0 1 0-0
B Toth, MUHL............... .283 16-16 60 9 17 3 0 0 3 20 .333 3 0 0 0 .317 0 0 1-1
K Eiden, GC................ .279 16-16 43 4 12 3 0 0 8 15 .349 1 0 1 0 .295 0 6 0-0
J Burger, DC............... .278 16-14 36 9 10 3 0 0 5 13 .361 4 1 7 0 .366 0 0 1-1
S Gutermuth, GC............ .275 16-16 51 11 14 3 0 0 10 17 .333 2 1 2 0 .309 1 1 0-0
N Spriggs, HAV............. .273 16-16 55 3 15 3 0 0 5 18 .327 1 0 5 0 .286 0 0 0-0
A. Cannistra, MCD.......... .273 15-15 44 6 12 0 0 0 1 12 .273 4 0 9 0 .333 0 0 0-0
C. Procacci, SWAT.......... .273 16-16 33 5 9 0 0 0 3 9 .273 13 2 8 0 .490 1 2 0-0
L Scimeca, WAC............. .271 16-16 48 9 13 1 0 1 4 17 .354 4 0 11 0 .327 0 2 2-2
H Marinchak, MUHL.......... .265 16-16 34 2 9 1 0 0 4 10 .294 1 0 11 0 .278 1 1 0-0
E. Knise, UC............... .264 16-16 53 7 14 5 0 0 9 19 .358 4 1 3 0 .328 0 1 1-1
M. Abrams, MCD............. .264 16-16 53 10 14 2 0 2 14 22 .415 7 2 11 0 .365 1 1 2-2
K. Gold, SWAT.............. .262 16-16 42 2 11 1 0 0 5 12 .286 1 1 5 0 .289 1 3 6-6
A Frank, HAV............... .255 16-16 55 7 14 2 1 0 7 18 .327 1 0 5 0 .268 0 2 3-3
K Olson, MUHL.............. .250 16-16 44 7 11 1 0 0 1 12 .273 4 0 0 0 .313 0 8 2-4
A Braverman, WAC........... .250 16-16 40 4 10 2 0 0 8 12 .300 9 0 7 0 .388 0 1 0-0
M. Mintel, SWAT............ .244 16-16 45 4 11 1 1 0 4 14 .311 2 0 4 0 .277 0 1 1-1
L Ruhling, MUHL............ .240 16-16 50 1 12 3 0 0 7 15 .300 2 1 10 0 .283 0 1 0-0
T DeMarzo, MUHL............ .239 15-15 46 4 11 5 0 0 4 16 .348 3 0 5 0 .286 0 1 0-0
M. Baker, FM............... .235 16-16 34 4 8 1 0 3 8 18 .529 2 2 12 0 .308 1 3 3-4
M Spears, DC............... .234 16-16 47 8 11 2 1 1 6 18 .383 4 1 2 0 .308 0 7 1-1
M. Reid, UC................ .231 16-16 52 8 12 1 0 0 8 13 .250 1 0 3 0 .241 1 2 1-1
G. Salvi, UC............... .231 16-13 39 9 9 1 2 0 7 14 .359 2 0 3 0 .268 0 0 0-0
M Hogg, WAC................ .229 11-10 35 2 8 0 0 0 3 8 .229 1 0 3 0 .243 1 0 0-0
D. Johns, FM............... .224 16-16 58 3 13 2 0 0 2 15 .259 1 0 8 0 .237 0 0 10-13
E Massa, DC................ .222 16-16 36 2 8 0 0 0 3 8 .222 1 3 3 0 .300 0 4 2-2
E. McHugh, UC.............. .218 16-16 55 11 12 1 1 0 8 15 .273 4 0 3 0 .271 0 5 3-3
B.Crouthamel, FM........... .217 15-15 46 7 10 3 0 0 1 13 .283 4 0 3 0 .280 0 2 3-3
M. Marks, FM............... .217 16-16 46 5 10 1 0 0 3 11 .239 3 4 14 0 .321 0 0 0-0
S Czarkowski, HAV.......... .216 14-13 37 5 8 3 0 0 2 11 .297 3 1 11 0 .293 0 1 0-0
M Gorsuch, GC.............. .205 16-16 39 9 8 1 0 0 4 9 .231 3 0 4 0 .262 0 2 0-0
K. Clinchy, FM............. .195 15-14 41 2 8 3 0 0 4 11 .268 3 1 5 0 .267 0 1 0-1
A Miller, GC............... .189 14-14 37 7 7 1 0 0 3 8 .216 3 0 5 0 .250 0 1 0-0
L Mozzer, WAC.............. .173 16-16 52 9 9 0 0 0 1 9 .173 4 1 11 1 .246 0 4 0-0
E Davies, HAV.............. .170 16-16 53 6 9 1 0 0 4 10 .189 7 0 4 0 .262 1 0 0-0
D. Miller, SWAT............ .167 16-16 42 5 7 3 0 0 3 10 .238 4 0 6 1 .239 0 5 0-1
M DeFrain, MUHL............ .163 15-15 49 8 8 4 0 0 8 12 .245 3 0 0 0 .212 0 1 0-0
S. Brody, SWAT............. .143 15-15 42 5 6 0 0 0 0 6 .143 2 2 3 0 .217 0 1 1-1
C Knepp, HAV............... .143 12-11 35 2 5 2 0 0 3 7 .200 0 0 6 0 .143 0 1 0-0
K Brondell, DC............. .128 15-13 39 3 5 1 0 0 1 6 .154 2 1 3 0 .190 0 3 0-0
E. Benjamin, FM............ .065 16-16 46 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 .065 4 0 10 0 .140 0 1 1-1
B Zehr, DC................. .500 1-1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .500 0 0 1 0 .500 0 0 0-0
T. Danner, MCD............. .414 13-11 29 6 12 2 0 0 6 14 .483 5 0 4 0 .486 1 0 3-3
K Vecchione, MUHL.......... .333 7-3 15 1 5 0 0 0 2 5 .333 0 0 3 0 .313 1 0 0-0
A Ogden, MUHL.............. .333 6-6 12 2 4 0 0 0 0 4 .333 0 0 2 0 .333 0 0 0-0
K. Servello, UC............ .308 8-4 13 3 4 0 0 0 0 4 .308 3 0 1 0 .438 0 2 0-0
E. Carino, UC.............. .308 7-3 13 3 4 1 0 0 3 5 .385 0 0 1 0 .308 0 0 0-0
A. Brudis, MCD............. .308 9-5 13 2 4 1 0 0 3 5 .385 1 0 1 0 .357 0 0 0-0
A. Pavero, FM.............. .300 4-3 10 0 3 0 0 0 1 3 .300 1 0 0 0 .364 0 1 1-1
E. Caldwell, UC............ .267 8-8 15 2 4 1 0 0 5 5 .333 4 0 1 0 .421 0 5 0-0
B. Taylor, MCD............. .259 14-10 27 5 7 0 0 0 1 7 .259 1 0 4 0 .286 0 2 2-3
T Souza, DC................ .250 10-4 20 1 5 0 0 0 2 5 .250 1 0 5 0 .286 0 0 0-0
E. Trainor, MCD............ .238 10-8 21 4 5 1 0 0 2 6 .286 4 0 4 0 .360 0 2 0-0
M. Blair, SWAT............. .235 11-8 17 1 4 0 0 0 0 4 .235 0 0 2 0 .235 0 2 3-3
Perlman, FM................ .231 8-4 13 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 .231 1 0 2 0 .286 0 0 0-1
M. Brewer, FM.............. .231 11-6 13 1 3 1 0 0 1 4 .308 1 1 4 0 .333 0 0 1-1
B. King, MCD............... .222 11-8 27 0 6 1 0 0 2 7 .259 1 0 6 0 .250 0 0 0-0
J. Coletta, FM............. .200 13-12 30 2 6 1 0 0 2 7 .233 1 1 5 0 .250 0 1 1-1
N Washburn, MUHL........... .192 9-8 26 1 5 0 0 0 1 5 .192 0 0 1 0 .192 0 2 0-0
J Foley, HAV............... .190 8-6 21 3 4 2 0 0 3 6 .286 1 0 7 0 .227 0 1 1-1
K. DeBow, UC............... .190 8-8 21 3 4 1 0 0 0 5 .238 1 0 8 0 .227 0 4 0-0
M. Klingaman, SWAT......... .182 9-8 22 1 4 0 0 0 1 4 .182 1 0 3 0 .217 0 1 0-1
A Cohen, MUHL.............. .167 5-4 12 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 .250 3 0 1 0 .333 0 0 0-0
S Longworth, MUHL.......... .167 4-4 12 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 .167 0 0 4 0 .167 0 0 0-0
A. Tyler, FM............... .167 6-1 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 .167 0 0 3 0 .167 0 1 0-0
J Rosenthal, MUHL.......... .167 3-1 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .167 0 0 1 0 .167 0 0 0-0
M Hallahan, GC............. .167 4-2 6 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 .167 0 0 0 0 .167 0 1 0-0
J. Cherry, UC.............. .161 12-12 31 6 5 0 1 0 2 7 .226 2 5 6 0 .316 0 2 1-1
M Lucas, WAC............... .160 16-16 25 3 4 0 0 0 2 4 .160 2 0 1 0 .222 0 0 0-1
A Knight, DC............... .154 4-4 13 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 .154 0 0 1 0 .143 1 0 0-0
B Manuel, WAC.............. .143 7-5 14 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 .143 2 0 4 0 .250 0 0 1-1
A Theis, HAV............... .138 16-16 29 3 4 0 0 0 0 4 .138 1 0 4 1 .167 0 2 0-0
M Travers, WAC............. .115 11-9 26 4 3 1 0 0 3 4 .154 2 0 2 0 .179 0 2 0-0
L. Iannaconi, FM........... .111 16-16 27 2 3 0 0 0 1 3 .111 3 0 5 0 .200 0 3 1-2
N Anderson, HAV............ .107 13-13 28 0 3 0 0 0 1 3 .107 0 0 6 0 .107 0 2 0-0
A.Ghublikian, SWAT......... .100 14-12 30 1 3 0 0 0 0 3 .100 1 0 2 0 .129 0 1 1-1
M. LaVan, SWAT............. .083 9-9 12 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 .083 1 1 1 0 .214 0 0 0-0
L Biddle, DC............... .077 4-4 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .077 0 0 1 0 .077 0 1 0-0
J Iodice, HAV.............. .000 6-2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 4 0 .000 0 0 0-0
H. Donhauser, MCD.......... .000 1-1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 0 0 0 .250 0 0 0-0
E. Walz, SWAT.............. .000 1-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 2 0 .000 0 0 0-0
D. Perez, SWAT............. .000 3-0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0
L Gallo, DC................ .000 2-0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0
C Nemetz, GC............... .000 3-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2 0 1 0 .667 0 1 0-0
N. Moeller, MCD............ .000 1-1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0-0
M Howlett, GC.............. .000 5-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0
A Stoll, GC................ .000 8-7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0
S Kiry, GC................. .000 9-8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 0-0
D Newcomer, DC............. .000 4-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0
J Hoff, WAC................ .000 8-1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0
K. Norton, UC.............. .000 4-0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0
CI - C. Procacci SWAT 1.
Centennial Conference
Conference statistics (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only Sorted by Earned run avg)
M. Greene, UC.............. 0.52 8-0 9 7 6 5/1 1 53.2 33 5 4 6 48 2 0 1 193 .171 0 1 0
E. Skinner, UC............. 0.76 3-2 7 6 4 2/2 0 37.0 24 5 4 4 21 6 0 0 129 .186 0 1 0
S Kiry, GC................. 0.99 7-1 9 8 6 3/2 0 49.2 36 12 7 9 24 8 0 0 188 .191 0 4 0
N. Moeller, MCD............ 1.40 5-1 8 8 6 1/0 0 55.0 48 31 11 19 28 9 0 0 214 .224 3 2 0
M. Abrams, MCD............. 1.47 8-2 10 8 8 2/0 0 57.1 45 18 12 14 35 9 2 2 213 .211 2 5 0
M Laque, WAC............... 1.54 3-4 8 8 7 1/0 0 54.2 50 27 12 12 31 10 1 1 219 .228 2 2 0
A Ogden, MUHL.............. 1.89 1-4 6 6 3 0/0 0 29.2 36 13 8 14 8 5 0 0 116 .310 3 0 0
K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 1.98 2-0 4 1 1 0/0 0 17.2 18 8 5 2 12 1 0 0 67 .269 0 1 0
N Washburn, MUHL........... 2.00 3-3 6 6 5 2/0 0 42.0 32 14 12 8 24 3 3 0 155 .206 1 0 0
J Pareso, GC............... 2.01 6-1 7 7 4 1/0 0 38.1 36 16 11 4 20 8 0 0 159 .226 1 3 0
D Green, WAC............... 2.11 4-4 8 8 8 1/0 0 53.0 54 27 16 24 19 8 0 1 208 .260 2 1 1
K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 2.30 0-3 4 3 3 0/0 0 24.1 23 12 8 8 10 1 0 3 90 .256 1 0 0
K. Norton, UC.............. 2.41 2-1 4 3 2 0/1 0 20.1 17 10 7 3 4 3 0 0 81 .210 0 1 0
N Spriggs, HAV............. 2.48 2-5 7 7 5 0/0 0 48.0 49 27 17 9 20 7 2 0 185 .265 1 2 1
L Porter, DC............... 2.49 3-5 9 8 8 0/0 1 59.0 70 46 21 24 29 12 1 0 248 .282 6 3 0
M. Klingaman, SWAT......... 2.62 3-2 6 6 5 1/0 0 34.2 40 22 13 3 14 3 2 0 142 .282 1 2 0
C Knepp, HAV............... 2.64 4-4 8 7 4 1/0 0 53.0 53 27 20 16 24 7 0 1 206 .257 0 1 0
A. Tyler, FM............... 3.16 0-5 9 5 0 0/0 0 31.0 41 27 14 15 15 6 0 1 131 .313 1 4 0
Kaesshaefer, FM............ 3.78 1-2 8 3 0 0/0 0 29.2 41 22 16 5 9 6 0 4 133 .308 0 0 0
S McGowan, DC.............. 3.80 3-4 7 7 6 1/0 0 42.1 51 34 23 25 15 11 1 1 174 .293 0 1 0
B.Crouthamel, FM........... 4.10 2-3 7 5 3 0/0 1 29.0 38 20 17 15 25 12 0 2 126 .302 2 1 0
A. DiBiase, SWAT........... 4.67 1-3 6 3 2 0/0 0 33.0 45 31 22 21 14 6 0 1 141 .319 7 3 0
J. Coletta, FM............. 5.34 1-2 5 3 1 0/0 0 19.2 32 20 15 5 3 5 2 1 85 .376 0 3 0
E. Walz, SWAT.............. 8.53 0-4 7 3 2 0/0 0 21.1 39 32 26 11 9 7 1 2 103 .379 2 2 0
M Howlett, GC.............. 3.00 0-1 5 1 1 0/2 0 14.0 16 7 6 3 5 4 1 1 59 .271 0 0 0
J Iodice, HAV.............. 3.32 0-0 7 1 0 0/0 1 6.1 10 4 3 5 5 1 0 1 29 .345 0 1 0
S Czarkowski, HAV.......... 5.83 0-1 2 1 0 0/0 0 6.0 12 8 5 0 3 3 1 0 31 .387 1 1 0
K Brondell, DC............. 6.00 0-1 1 1 1 0/0 0 7.0 10 6 6 3 2 2 0 0 28 .357 4 0 0
T Carroll, WAC............. 10.50 0-1 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.2 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 .667 0 0 0
E. Remus, SWAT............. 12.60 0-3 5 4 0 0/0 0 8.1 22 20 15 7 4 5 0 0 50 .440 2 1 0
PB - C. Procacci SWAT 13, K Proctor WAC 12, A Theis HAV 12, M Spears DC 7, L. Iannaconi FM 7, T DeMarzo MUHL 3, L Biddle DC
3, K. Curley MCD 2, S Longworth MUHL 2, C Nemetz GC 1, A Braverman WAC 1, Perlman FM 1, A Miller GC 1, E. Caldwell UC 1.
Pickoffs - C. Procacci SWAT 1, T DeMarzo MUHL 1.
Centennial Conference
Conference statistics (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only Sorted by Fielding pct)
L. Schmidt, UC............. 92 86 6 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
C. Burns, MCD.............. 60 52 8 0 1.000 0 5 2 .714 0 0
K Proctor, WAC............. 55 50 5 0 1.000 0 4 2 .667 12 0
A Miller, GC............... 44 41 3 0 1.000 0 3 0 1.000 1 0
B.Crouthamel, FM........... 44 26 18 0 1.000 1 2 1 .667 0 0
K. DeBow, UC............... 37 36 1 0 1.000 0 3 1 .750 0 0
E. Knise, UC............... 31 31 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
L Scimeca, WAC............. 29 27 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
D Green, WAC............... 28 14 14 0 1.000 0 3 1 .750 0 0
L Ruhling, MUHL............ 23 22 1 0 1.000 1 0 0 --- 0 0
A.Ghublikian, SWAT......... 21 15 6 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
E. McHugh, UC.............. 20 20 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
K. Curley, MCD............. 19 19 0 0 1.000 0 6 0 1.000 2 0
K Brondell, DC............. 15 8 7 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
B Manuel, WAC.............. 13 12 1 0 1.000 1 0 0 --- 0 0
B Hartman, WAC............. 12 10 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
S. Brody, SWAT............. 10 10 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
J Rosenthal, MUHL.......... 10 10 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A Ogden, MUHL.............. 9 0 9 0 1.000 0 5 0 1.000 0 0
M. Greene, UC.............. 7 2 5 0 1.000 0 5 1 .833 0 0
E. Skinner, UC............. 7 1 6 0 1.000 0 2 0 1.000 0 0
K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 6 4 2 0 1.000 1 0 0 --- 0 0
A Knight, DC............... 3 3 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
J Iodice, HAV.............. 3 2 1 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
M Hogg, WAC................ 2 2 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
J Foley, HAV............... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A. Pavero, FM.............. 1 1 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
E. Carino, UC.............. 1 1 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M. Mitchell, MCD........... 142 134 7 1 .993 4 0 0 --- 0 0
J Korth, DC................ 141 132 8 1 .993 4 0 0 --- 0 0
M DeFrain, MUHL............ 132 126 5 1 .992 5 0 0 --- 0 0
A Frank, HAV............... 73 51 21 1 .986 2 0 0 --- 0 0
L. Iannaconi, FM........... 68 58 9 1 .985 0 10 3 .769 7 0
A Braverman, WAC........... 122 116 4 2 .984 1 2 0 1.000 1 0
S Gutermuth, GC............ 112 106 3 3 .973 0 1 1 .500 0 0
K Olson, MUHL.............. 67 44 21 2 .970 3 0 0 --- 0 0
A. Cannistra, MCD.......... 30 27 2 1 .967 0 0 0 --- 0 0
R Fleming, DC.............. 30 26 3 1 .967 1 0 0 --- 0 0
S Nagle, HAV............... 29 25 3 1 .966 1 0 0 --- 0 0
N. Moeller, MCD............ 27 5 21 1 .963 1 13 1 .929 0 0
H Marinchak, MUHL.......... 27 25 1 1 .963 0 0 0 --- 0 0
E. Caldwell, UC............ 53 49 2 2 .962 0 5 1 .833 1 0
K. Siano, SWAT............. 104 95 5 4 .962 5 0 0 --- 0 0
J. Cherry, UC.............. 25 18 6 1 .960 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M Pilarcik, GC............. 70 25 42 3 .957 0 0 0 --- 0 0
J Pareso, GC............... 68 35 30 3 .956 0 2 1 .667 0 0
T Roth, MUHL............... 68 14 51 3 .956 4 0 0 --- 0 0
C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 68 54 11 3 .956 3 15 5 .750 13 1
T DeMarzo, MUHL............ 67 56 8 3 .955 1 7 1 .875 3 0
S Czarkowski, HAV.......... 105 92 8 5 .952 2 4 0 1.000 0 0
K. Clinchy, FM............. 42 36 4 2 .952 1 0 0 --- 0 0
M. Reid, UC................ 21 20 0 1 .952 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M. LaVan, SWAT............. 40 11 27 2 .950 2 0 0 --- 0 0
N Spriggs, HAV............. 20 12 7 1 .950 1 2 1 .667 0 0
E. Benjamin, FM............ 99 81 13 5 .949 1 0 0 --- 0 0
K. Servello, UC............ 19 14 4 1 .947 0 0 0 --- 0 0
E Davies, HAV.............. 91 33 53 5 .945 0 0 0 --- 0 0
B Toth, MUHL............... 71 25 42 4 .944 2 0 0 --- 0 0
C Knepp, HAV............... 34 22 10 2 .941 0 7 1 .875 0 0
H Sagaities, GC............ 17 16 0 1 .941 0 0 0 --- 0 0
D. Johns, FM............... 33 28 3 2 .939 1 0 0 --- 0 0
K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 16 6 9 1 .938 0 3 1 .750 0 0
M. Marks, FM............... 16 15 0 1 .938 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M Lucas, WAC............... 47 31 13 3 .936 0 0 0 --- 0 0
E. Trainor, MCD............ 31 11 18 2 .935 0 3 0 1.000 0 0
K Eiden, GC................ 28 23 3 2 .929 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M Travers, WAC............. 14 13 0 1 .929 0 0 0 --- 0 0
L Biddle, DC............... 14 9 4 1 .929 1 4 3 .571 3 0
A Theis, HAV............... 67 56 6 5 .925 0 14 2 .875 12 0
M Spears, DC............... 61 48 8 5 .918 0 11 2 .846 7 0
S. Hennessey, UC........... 48 18 26 4 .917 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M. Baker, FM............... 36 32 1 3 .917 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M. Logan, UC............... 71 35 30 6 .915 0 0 0 --- 0 0
L Porter, DC............... 22 3 17 2 .909 0 7 2 .778 0 0
B. Taylor, MCD............. 11 9 1 1 .909 1 0 0 --- 0 0
N Anderson, HAV............ 11 10 0 1 .909 0 0 0 --- 0 0
D. Miller, SWAT............ 54 35 14 5 .907 1 0 0 --- 0 0
A Campbell, WAC............ 72 18 47 7 .903 1 0 0 --- 0 0
C Shainheit, DC............ 20 16 2 2 .900 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A. DiBiase, SWAT........... 10 2 7 1 .900 1 4 4 .500 0 0
S Kiry, GC................. 10 3 6 1 .900 0 2 0 1.000 0 0
D. Rosemier, MCD........... 10 9 0 1 .900 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M. Mintel, SWAT............ 28 24 1 3 .893 0 0 0 --- 0 0
J Burger, DC............... 63 38 18 7 .889 1 0 0 --- 0 0
M Dean, GC................. 51 26 19 6 .882 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M. Abrams, MCD............. 59 23 29 7 .881 3 1 2 .333 0 0
A Speace, DC............... 67 19 40 8 .881 2 0 0 --- 0 0
L Mozzer, WAC.............. 82 29 43 10 .878 1 0 0 --- 0 0
E Massa, DC................ 82 19 53 10 .878 1 0 0 --- 0 0
K. Gold, SWAT.............. 81 29 42 10 .877 2 0 0 --- 0 0
L Sullivan, HAV............ 72 15 48 9 .875 0 0 0 --- 0 0
N Washburn, MUHL........... 16 3 11 2 .875 0 0 0 --- 0 0
B. King, MCD............... 29 19 6 4 .862 1 0 0 --- 0 0
L. DePalma, FM............. 78 33 34 11 .859 0 0 0 --- 0 0
S. Smith, MCD.............. 77 20 46 11 .857 3 0 0 --- 0 0
C Nemetz, GC............... 7 5 1 1 .857 0 0 0 --- 1 0
J. Coletta, FM............. 31 4 22 5 .839 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A. Brudis, MCD............. 6 5 0 1 .833 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A Cohen, MUHL.............. 11 3 6 2 .818 0 0 0 --- 0 0
V. Marone, SWAT............ 11 9 0 2 .818 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A Havassy, HAV............. 27 22 0 5 .815 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A Stoll, GC................ 30 13 11 6 .800 0 0 0 --- 0 0
S McGowan, DC.............. 5 1 3 1 .800 0 8 3 .727 0 0
E. Remus, SWAT............. 5 0 4 1 .800 0 4 0 1.000 0 0
M. Klingaman, SWAT......... 5 1 3 1 .800 1 2 1 .667 0 0
M Gorsuch, GC.............. 14 11 0 3 .786 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M. Brewer, FM.............. 32 9 16 7 .781 0 0 0 --- 0 0
K. Norton, UC.............. 9 2 5 2 .778 0 1 1 .500 0 0
M. Blair, SWAT............. 22 5 12 5 .773 0 0 0 --- 0 0
A. Tyler, FM............... 13 2 8 3 .769 0 4 0 1.000 0 0
T. Danner, MCD............. 37 4 24 9 .757 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Kaesshaefer, FM............ 8 3 3 2 .750 0 4 2 .667 0 0
B Zehr, DC................. 4 2 1 1 .750 0 0 0 --- 0 0
S Longworth, MUHL.......... 4 3 0 1 .750 0 1 0 1.000 2 0
E. Walz, SWAT.............. 4 2 1 1 .750 0 5 0 1.000 0 0
M Laque, WAC............... 17 3 9 5 .706 0 3 1 .750 0 0
M Gale, GC................. 5 2 1 2 .600 0 0 0 --- 0 0
K McDonald, DC............. 2 1 0 1 .500 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M Howlett, GC.............. 2 0 0 2 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
L Gallo, DC................ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
M Hallahan, GC............. 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
D Newcomer, DC............. 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Perlman, FM................ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 1 0
H. Donhauser, MCD.......... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
D. Perez, SWAT............. 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
J Hoff, WAC................ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
G. Salvi, UC............... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
T Carroll, WAC............. 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
T Souza, DC................ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 67% of Games 2.0 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Category Leaders
Centennial Conference
Batting Leaders (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 67% of Games 2.0 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Batting avg
1. M Gale, GC................. .457
2. C. Burns, MCD.............. .429
3. J Pareso, GC............... .404
4. S Nagle, HAV............... .386
D. Rosemier, MCD........... .386
6. A Campbell, WAC............ .383
7. J Korth, DC................ .380
8. C Shainheit, DC............ .378
9. L Sullivan, HAV............ .375
K. Curley, MCD............. .375
Slugging pct
1. C. Burns, MCD.............. .881
2. L. DePalma, FM............. .654
3. M Gale, GC................. .630
4. A Campbell, WAC............ .553
5. M Pilarcik, GC............. .550
6. J Korth, DC................ .540
7. M. Baker, FM............... .529
8. L Sullivan, HAV............ .521
9. J Pareso, GC............... .519
10.D Green, WAC............... .500
On base pct
1. M Gale, GC................. .500
2. C. Procacci, SWAT.......... .490
3. C. Burns, MCD.............. .489
4. L. Schmidt, UC............. .480
5. D Green, WAC............... .474
6. M Pilarcik, GC............. .457
7. J Pareso, GC............... .456
8. D. Rosemier, MCD........... .453
9. A Campbell, WAC............ .453
10.J Korth, DC................ .446
Runs scored
1. J Pareso, GC............... 21
2. R Fleming, DC.............. 15
D. Rosemier, MCD........... 15
M. Logan, UC............... 15
5. C. Burns, MCD.............. 12
S. Smith, MCD.............. 12
7. S Nagle, HAV............... 11
E. McHugh, UC.............. 11
S Gutermuth, GC............ 11
10.3 tied at.................. 10
1. D. Rosemier, MCD........... 22
S Nagle, HAV............... 22
3. J Pareso, GC............... 21
M Gale, GC................. 21
5. R Fleming, DC.............. 19
J Korth, DC................ 19
7. 9 tied at.................. 18
Runs batted in
1. C. Burns, MCD.............. 17
2. M Gale, GC................. 16
3. M. Abrams, MCD............. 14
4. S. Hennessey, UC........... 13
5. A Campbell, WAC............ 12
6. J Korth, DC................ 11
M Pilarcik, GC............. 11
8. M. Logan, UC............... 10
L Sullivan, HAV............ 10
S Gutermuth, GC............ 10
1. L. DePalma, FM............. 6
2. E. Knise, UC............... 5
T DeMarzo, MUHL............ 5
J Korth, DC................ 5
T Roth, MUHL............... 5
6. 11 tied at................. 4
1. M Gale, GC................. 2
L. DePalma, FM............. 2
G. Salvi, UC............... 2
4. 10 tied at................. 1
Home runs
1. C. Burns, MCD.............. 6
2. M. Baker, FM............... 3
3. M Pilarcik, GC............. 2
A Campbell, WAC............ 2
L. DePalma, FM............. 2
M. Abrams, MCD............. 2
7. 6 tied at.................. 1
Total bases
1. C. Burns, MCD.............. 37
2. L. DePalma, FM............. 34
3. M Gale, GC................. 29
4. J Korth, DC................ 27
J Pareso, GC............... 27
6. A Campbell, WAC............ 26
S Nagle, HAV............... 26
D. Rosemier, MCD........... 26
9. L Sullivan, HAV............ 25
10.D Green, WAC............... 23
1. C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 13
2. L. Schmidt, UC............. 12
3. D Green, WAC............... 10
4. A Braverman, WAC........... 9
5. A Speace, DC............... 7
E Davies, HAV.............. 7
D. Rosemier, MCD........... 7
M. Abrams, MCD............. 7
9. 4 tied at.................. 6
Hit by pitch
1. J. Cherry, UC.............. 5
2. M. Marks, FM............... 4
3. E Massa, DC................ 3
M Pilarcik, GC............. 3
5. M. Baker, FM............... 2
J Korth, DC................ 2
M. Abrams, MCD............. 2
C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 2
S. Brody, SWAT............. 2
M Dean, GC................. 2
Sac bunts
1. M Pilarcik, GC............. 12
2. K Olson, MUHL.............. 8
3. M Spears, DC............... 7
4. K Eiden, GC................ 6
5. E. Caldwell, UC............ 5
E. McHugh, UC.............. 5
D. Miller, SWAT............ 5
8. 6 tied at.................. 4
Sac flies
1. M Gale, GC................. 2
S. Hennessey, UC........... 2
3. 19 tied at................. 1
Stolen bases
1. D. Rosemier, MCD........... 11
2. D. Johns, FM............... 10
3. S Nagle, HAV............... 8
4. L. DePalma, FM............. 7
5. K. Gold, SWAT.............. 6
6. 9 tied at.................. 3
Total plate appearances
1. S. Smith, MCD.............. 68
2. D. Rosemier, MCD........... 64
M. Abrams, MCD............. 64
E. McHugh, UC.............. 64
5. B Toth, MUHL............... 63
6. M. Logan, UC............... 62
7. L Mozzer, WAC.............. 61
R Fleming, DC.............. 61
E Davies, HAV.............. 61
10.2 tied at.................. 60
At bats
1. B Toth, MUHL............... 60
2. D. Johns, FM............... 58
S. Smith, MCD.............. 58
4. S Nagle, HAV............... 57
D. Rosemier, MCD........... 57
R Fleming, DC.............. 57
7. M. Logan, UC............... 56
8. 4 tied at.................. 55
Steal attempts
1. D. Johns, FM............... 13
D. Rosemier, MCD........... 13
3. S Nagle, HAV............... 9
L. DePalma, FM............. 9
5. K. Gold, SWAT.............. 6
6. M. Baker, FM............... 4
K Olson, MUHL.............. 4
C Shainheit, DC............ 4
9. 8 tied at.................. 3
1. M. Marks, FM............... 14
2. M. Baker, FM............... 12
3. B Hartman, WAC............. 11
L Mozzer, WAC.............. 11
L Scimeca, WAC............. 11
M. Abrams, MCD............. 11
H Marinchak, MUHL.......... 11
S Czarkowski, HAV.......... 11
9. 3 tied at.................. 10
Caught stealing
1. D. Johns, FM............... 3
2. D. Rosemier, MCD........... 2
L. DePalma, FM............. 2
K Olson, MUHL.............. 2
5. 15 tied at................. 1
Grounded into DP
1. A Theis, HAV............... 1
L. DePalma, FM............. 1
L Mozzer, WAC.............. 1
D. Miller, SWAT............ 1
V. Marone, SWAT............ 1
Centennial Conference
Pitching Leaders (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 67% of Games 2.0 AB/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Earned run avg
1. M. Greene, UC.............. 0.52
2. E. Skinner, UC............. 0.76
3. S Kiry, GC................. 0.99
4. N. Moeller, MCD............ 1.40
5. M. Abrams, MCD............. 1.47
6. M Laque, WAC............... 1.54
7. A Ogden, MUHL.............. 1.89
8. K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 1.98
9. N Washburn, MUHL........... 2.00
10.J Pareso, GC............... 2.01
Opposing bat avg
1. M. Greene, UC.............. .171
2. E. Skinner, UC............. .186
3. S Kiry, GC................. .191
4. N Washburn, MUHL........... .206
5. K. Norton, UC.............. .210
6. M. Abrams, MCD............. .211
7. N. Moeller, MCD............ .224
8. J Pareso, GC............... .226
9. M Laque, WAC............... .228
10.K Cartolano, MUHL.......... .256
Innings pitched
1. L Porter, DC............... 59.0
2. M. Abrams, MCD............. 57.1
3. N. Moeller, MCD............ 55.0
4. M Laque, WAC............... 54.2
5. M. Greene, UC.............. 53.2
6. D Green, WAC............... 53.0
C Knepp, HAV............... 53.0
8. S Kiry, GC................. 49.2
9. N Spriggs, HAV............. 48.0
10.S McGowan, DC.............. 42.1
Batters struck out
1. M. Greene, UC.............. 48
2. M. Abrams, MCD............. 35
3. M Laque, WAC............... 31
4. L Porter, DC............... 29
5. N. Moeller, MCD............ 28
6. B.Crouthamel, FM........... 25
7. C Knepp, HAV............... 24
N Washburn, MUHL........... 24
S Kiry, GC................. 24
10.E. Skinner, UC............. 21
Batters SO out looking
1. M. Greene, UC.............. 15
2. L Porter, DC............... 14
3. S Kiry, GC................. 11
4. M. Abrams, MCD............. 9
5. B.Crouthamel, FM........... 8
J Pareso, GC............... 8
7. M Laque, WAC............... 7
N Washburn, MUHL........... 7
S McGowan, DC.............. 7
C Knepp, HAV............... 7
1. M. Greene, UC.............. 8
M. Abrams, MCD............. 8
3. S Kiry, GC................. 7
4. J Pareso, GC............... 6
5. N. Moeller, MCD............ 5
6. D Green, WAC............... 4
C Knepp, HAV............... 4
8. 6 tied at.................. 3
1. L Porter, DC............... 1
M. Greene, UC.............. 1
J Iodice, HAV.............. 1
B.Crouthamel, FM........... 1
1. M. Abrams, MCD............. 10
2. L Porter, DC............... 9
S Kiry, GC................. 9
A. Tyler, FM............... 9
M. Greene, UC.............. 9
6. D Green, WAC............... 8
N. Moeller, MCD............ 8
C Knepp, HAV............... 8
M Laque, WAC............... 8
Kaesshaefer, FM............ 8
Games started
1. L Porter, DC............... 8
D Green, WAC............... 8
S Kiry, GC................. 8
N. Moeller, MCD............ 8
M. Abrams, MCD............. 8
M Laque, WAC............... 8
7. 5 tied at.................. 7
Games finished
1. J Iodice, HAV.............. 5
2. E. Walz, SWAT.............. 4
Kaesshaefer, FM............ 4
M Howlett, GC.............. 4
A. Tyler, FM............... 4
6. K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 3
7. 5 tied at.................. 2
Games in relief
1. J Iodice, HAV.............. 6
2. Kaesshaefer, FM............ 5
3. A. Tyler, FM............... 4
M Howlett, GC.............. 4
E. Walz, SWAT.............. 4
6. A. DiBiase, SWAT........... 3
K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 3
8. 4 tied at.................. 2
Sac bunts allowed
1. M. Abrams, MCD............. 13
2. C Knepp, HAV............... 12
3. D Green, WAC............... 11
L Porter, DC............... 11
5. N Spriggs, HAV............. 10
6. N. Moeller, MCD............ 8
J. Coletta, FM............. 8
A. Tyler, FM............... 8
9. 3 tied at.................. 7
Sac flies allowed
1. A. Tyler, FM............... 3
2. E. Walz, SWAT.............. 2
N Spriggs, HAV............. 2
C Knepp, HAV............... 2
N. Moeller, MCD............ 2
J Pareso, GC............... 2
M Laque, WAC............... 2
8. 8 tied at.................. 1
1. N Spriggs, HAV............. 5
A. Tyler, FM............... 5
L Porter, DC............... 5
4. S McGowan, DC.............. 4
C Knepp, HAV............... 4
D Green, WAC............... 4
M Laque, WAC............... 4
E. Walz, SWAT.............. 4
A Ogden, MUHL.............. 4
10.5 tied at.................. 3
Runners picked off
1. T DeMarzo, MUHL............ 1
C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 1
Wild pitches
1. A. DiBiase, SWAT........... 7
2. L Porter, DC............... 6
3. K Brondell, DC............. 4
4. A Ogden, MUHL.............. 3
N. Moeller, MCD............ 3
6. 6 tied at.................. 2
1. D Green, WAC............... 1
N Spriggs, HAV............. 1
Hit batters
1. M. Abrams, MCD............. 5
2. S Kiry, GC................. 4
A. Tyler, FM............... 4
4. A. DiBiase, SWAT........... 3
L Porter, DC............... 3
J. Coletta, FM............. 3
J Pareso, GC............... 3
8. 5 tied at.................. 2
Intentional BB allowed
Hits allowed
1. K. Norton, UC.............. 17
2. K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 18
3. K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 23
4. E. Skinner, UC............. 24
5. J. Coletta, FM............. 32
N Washburn, MUHL........... 32
7. M. Greene, UC.............. 33
8. A Ogden, MUHL.............. 36
J Pareso, GC............... 36
S Kiry, GC................. 36
Runs allowed
1. E. Skinner, UC............. 5
M. Greene, UC.............. 5
3. K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 8
4. K. Norton, UC.............. 10
5. K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 12
S Kiry, GC................. 12
7. A Ogden, MUHL.............. 13
8. N Washburn, MUHL........... 14
9. J Pareso, GC............... 16
10.M. Abrams, MCD............. 18
Earned runs allowed
1. M. Greene, UC.............. 4
E. Skinner, UC............. 4
3. K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 5
4. S Kiry, GC................. 7
K. Norton, UC.............. 7
6. A Ogden, MUHL.............. 8
K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 8
8. J Pareso, GC............... 11
N. Moeller, MCD............ 11
10.M. Abrams, MCD............. 12
Walks allowed
1. K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 2
2. M. Klingaman, SWAT......... 3
K. Norton, UC.............. 3
4. E. Skinner, UC............. 4
J Pareso, GC............... 4
6. Kaesshaefer, FM............ 5
J. Coletta, FM............. 5
8. M. Greene, UC.............. 6
9. N Washburn, MUHL........... 8
K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 8
Doubles allowed
1. K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 1
K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 1
3. M. Greene, UC.............. 2
4. N Washburn, MUHL........... 3
M. Klingaman, SWAT......... 3
K. Norton, UC.............. 3
7. J. Coletta, FM............. 5
A Ogden, MUHL.............. 5
9. Kaesshaefer, FM............ 6
E. Skinner, UC............. 6
Triples allowed
1. K Cartolano, MUHL.......... 0
K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 0
M. Greene, UC.............. 0
B.Crouthamel, FM........... 0
N. Moeller, MCD............ 0
K. Norton, UC.............. 0
S Kiry, GC................. 0
J Pareso, GC............... 0
D Green, WAC............... 0
A Ogden, MUHL.............. 0
Home runs allowed
1. N Washburn, MUHL........... 0
K Vecchione, MUHL.......... 0
M. Klingaman, SWAT......... 0
N Spriggs, HAV............. 0
N. Moeller, MCD............ 0
K. Norton, UC.............. 0
S Kiry, GC................. 0
J Pareso, GC............... 0
L Porter, DC............... 0
A Ogden, MUHL.............. 0
Centennial Conference
Fielding Leaders (as of May 16, 2005)
( games only)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 67% of Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Fielding pct
1. L. Schmidt, UC............. 1.000
C. Burns, MCD.............. 1.000
K Proctor, WAC............. 1.000
A Miller, GC............... 1.000
B.Crouthamel, FM........... 1.000
E. Knise, UC............... 1.000
L Scimeca, WAC............. 1.000
D Green, WAC............... 1.000
L Ruhling, MUHL............ 1.000
A.Ghublikian, SWAT......... 1.000
1. M. Mitchell, MCD........... 142
2. J Korth, DC................ 141
3. M DeFrain, MUHL............ 132
4. A Braverman, WAC........... 122
5. S Gutermuth, GC............ 112
6. S Czarkowski, HAV.......... 105
7. K. Siano, SWAT............. 104
8. E. Benjamin, FM............ 99
9. L. Schmidt, UC............. 92
10.E Davies, HAV.............. 91
1. M. Mitchell, MCD........... 134
2. J Korth, DC................ 132
3. M DeFrain, MUHL............ 126
4. A Braverman, WAC........... 116
5. S Gutermuth, GC............ 106
6. K. Siano, SWAT............. 95
7. S Czarkowski, HAV.......... 92
8. L. Schmidt, UC............. 86
9. E. Benjamin, FM............ 81
10.L. Iannaconi, FM........... 58
1. E Massa, DC................ 53
E Davies, HAV.............. 53
3. T Roth, MUHL............... 51
4. L Sullivan, HAV............ 48
5. A Campbell, WAC............ 47
6. S. Smith, MCD.............. 46
7. L Mozzer, WAC.............. 43
8. K. Gold, SWAT.............. 42
B Toth, MUHL............... 42
M Pilarcik, GC............. 42
Fielding double plays
1. K. Siano, SWAT............. 5
M DeFrain, MUHL............ 5
3. J Korth, DC................ 4
M. Mitchell, MCD........... 4
T Roth, MUHL............... 4
6. S. Smith, MCD.............. 3
C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 3
M. Abrams, MCD............. 3
K Olson, MUHL.............. 3
10.6 tied at.................. 2
Passed balls
1. C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 13
2. K Proctor, WAC............. 12
A Theis, HAV............... 12
4. L. Iannaconi, FM........... 7
M Spears, DC............... 7
6. L Biddle, DC............... 3
T DeMarzo, MUHL............ 3
8. K. Curley, MCD............. 2
S Longworth, MUHL.......... 2
10.5 tied at.................. 1
Catchers interference
1. C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 1
Steal attempts against
1. C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 20
2. A Theis, HAV............... 16
3. N. Moeller, MCD............ 14
4. M Spears, DC............... 13
L. Iannaconi, FM........... 13
6. S McGowan, DC.............. 11
7. L Porter, DC............... 9
8. T DeMarzo, MUHL............ 8
C Knepp, HAV............... 8
A. DiBiase, SWAT........... 8
Stolen bases against
1. C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 15
2. A Theis, HAV............... 14
3. N. Moeller, MCD............ 13
4. M Spears, DC............... 11
5. L. Iannaconi, FM........... 10
6. S McGowan, DC.............. 8
7. C Knepp, HAV............... 7
L Porter, DC............... 7
T DeMarzo, MUHL............ 7
10.K. Curley, MCD............. 6
Caught stealing by
1. C. Procacci, SWAT.......... 5
2. A. DiBiase, SWAT........... 4
3. L. Iannaconi, FM........... 3
L Biddle, DC............... 3
S McGowan, DC.............. 3
6. 7 tied at.................. 2
1. S. Smith, MCD.............. 11
L. DePalma, FM............. 11
3. E Massa, DC................ 10
K. Gold, SWAT.............. 10
L Mozzer, WAC.............. 10
6. T. Danner, MCD............. 9
L Sullivan, HAV............ 9
8. A Speace, DC............... 8
9. 4 tied at.................. 7